Tuesday, April 21, 2009
For Your Viewing Pleasure: Top Gear Season 10
Yes, I am reviewing Top Gear Season 10, or as they say across the pond Series 10. Since it is being realized today to the public for viewing on your television after you buy it at a lovely large retail chain, I wanted to admit that this season was pretty kick ass. Being one who watched many of the episodes because one Travis made me and also because I secretly was watching them on my own. What happened during Season 10? Well two of my fav Top Gear moments.
First we have motorhome racing. Being a child of parents who didn't realize they weren't 70 years old and dragged me around the country to motorhome rallies and taught me all about the differences between Newmar and Country Coach (yea, you don't knwo what that is), I appreciated this challenge. Richard Hammond figured that since most drivers use motorhomes as their vehicles transportation and then the drivers sleeping accommodations, life would be much easier for the driver if you just made a motorhome that could double as the accommodations and also the racecar. With this innovative idea, the guys then raced motorhomes, which really might sound like a great idea, but in the end, would a racecar driver really want to race a large home on wheels even if it does have a bathroom.
Of course, the second fav was the Star in a Reasonably Priced Car segment with David Tennent, I mean the Doctor, I mean the old doctor? Whatev, still lost to Billie Piper, aka Rose, aka the Doctors former companion, even if Billie cut the hammerhead corner in her episode. Maybe you should have worn a black see through top David. If only he had the TARDIS...wait a second!:
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