Top 10 Finalists for Best Comedy:
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Family Guy
Flight of the Conchords
The Office
Pushing Daisies
30 Rock
Two and a Half Men
Ugly Betty
To begin this rant I will start with the one show I never really understood why it has been a success since its induction into the CBS comedy hour (or is it two hours?). Why the hell do people like Two and a Half Men. Ok, I will admit when it first came on I might have let out a yelp seeing my beloved 1980's New Wave cool dude Duckie, but then I was put in my place when I then realized that Duckie had become a chiropractor. What would Andie say?
The show has its moments like other annoying shows such as scenes with Joey in them from friends and that dog on Fraiser. Other than that, the show is annoying, deals with the same issues constantly (that kid doesnt do his homework, Charlie Sheen sleeps with a lot of women, and Jon Cryer has no life). ATAS, get over this Two and a Half Men obsession and recognize good shows like Flight of the Conchords (good job, no really I am quite suprised), 30 Rock (again great decision), and It's Always Sunny in Philadeplia (I will forgive you this year).
There are even better shows in that CBS Monday line up that deserve that position more than Two and a Half Men, like The Big Bang Theory. Gotta love those theoretical physicist nerds. Or even better, How I Met Your Mother. Neil Patrick Harris is great on that show, along with Willow and Nick Andopolis, I mean Alyson Hannigan and Jason Segal. Charlie Sheen is not funny, Duckie is a sell out, and that kid (does anyone actually know his name?) I think may be getting fatter as the series continues, which I think think might take away the halfness of his manness (?).
The rest of the shows are ok, I guess. Ugly Betty stills annoys me, but its second season is nothing like its first. I wasn't expecting much though. Gotta love marijuana dealing moms on Weeds. But come on, Family Guy? Are you trying to make a statement that cartoons can be great comedies too? I mean, I don't disagree, but you chose Family Guy. Curb Your Enthusiasm is still on the air? Oh yeah! Entourage is still pulling in audiences with mediocre writing, but I still love to watch the show. Turtle makes me chuckle. Good job with Pushing Daises too. Who doesn't love pie, pie shops, and bringin' back people from the dead?
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