Top 10 Dramas:
Boston Legal
Friday Night Lights
Grey's Anatomy
Mad Men
The Tudors
The Wire
Unlike my last rant, I will start with what I like to call "you better recognize these great, but underrated shows". First, Friday Night Lights. This show is amazing. As someone who doesn't like sports, it doesn't matter. For someone who does like sports, it might be a bit artsy for you. The acting is great, the writing is amazing, the film editing is ingenious. The viewership, is quite lackluster. For the ATAS to recognize this show is an example of how America doesn't watch good television, they watch shit, like Grey's Anatomy, but I will come to that later. I will hold on to you Friday Night Lights for as long as possible, just like I did with Firefly, Freaks and Geeks, and Veronica Mars.
Speaking of others shows that need to be given their worth, and ATAS is helping them out here: The Wire. Even if most people aren't even aware of its existence, you should be because it is a great show. The Tudors, another good choice ATAS. I do enjoy watching King Henry shag everyone in sight. Another thumbs up to you for Dexter. This show is finally being recognized for its great... uh everything. I was getting tired of worn out cop shows like CSI and Law and Order, but then Showtime gave us the other side; the serial killers side. I have been happy ever since. Finally Mad Men, I love this show and you should too.
I am, I guess you could say, ambivalent about the sudden obsession with law dramas. Boston Legal and Damages are very good shows. They entertain me... sometimes. Actually, I can't stand Denny Crane and anything with Glenn Close in it. But they are both better than The Practice and Ally McBeal (yea go cry about menopause with that stupid dancing baby).
Now to my rant about Grey's Anatomy. Why is this a great show. The first season was entertaining, the second season kept me intrigued, ever since the show has been terrible. Yes Katherine "I'm a Bitch" Heigel. I agree with you! This show has no right to be on this list. What was great about this season: nothing. Nothing has been great about this show for two years. Emmy's, stop holding on to this show. It is giving us nothing anymore. Seriously, how many times can Meridith and McDreamy get back together? Ross and Rachel blew that fuse 7 years ago.
Snubs: uh, Battlestar Galactica? Just because it is on SciFi doesn't mean it isn't a great show. The writing is amazing and the characters actually have depth, unlike McDreamy, McSteamy, McFlurry, Mc Griddle, and what ever effing nicknames they have on that show. Please recognize this show next year. It is all it has. Big Love also a snub. Breaking Bad was also a great show that the writers' strike effed over. Well at least Desperate Housewives is not on anything. God that show is annoying.
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