1. Find a Jill, Nene, or Vicki. I watched Real Housewives of New York to watch Jill mock everyone which made me laugh. I watched Real Housewives of Hotlanta to watch Nene insult everyone which made me laugh. I watched Real Housewives of the GOP to watch Vicki make a fool of herself while drunk which made me laugh. But no one, absolutely no one purposely makes me laugh on Real Housewives of New Jersey. Yea, Teresa's obsession with her mosquito bite bubbies is occasionally funny, but there is no comedic note to that show. There has to be some mafia welding Jill leaving amongst the gates of that gaudy community they live in.
2. Make the housewives less incestuous. Pretty much everyone on that show is related. I know that you were trying to go for the "mafia" family mentality, but really it isn't working. I watch Real Housewives for constant bitching amongst middle aged rich women, but there can't really be bitching when over half the cast is related.
3. Get rid of boring, spineless Jacqueline. First, she isn't funny. Second, she doesn't bring drama. Third, she can't stand up to her sisters-in- law. Fourth, she has no personality. The only reason why you have her is because you were expecting that she would bring drama because she is related to Caroline and Dina, but besties with Danielle. Yea, I understand that in most cases this would yield drama, but in the case of Jacqueline who can't even stand up to her 18 year old daughter, all you have is an empty space.
4. Keep Dina. Dina is the best part of that show. She doesn't care that what she says will hurt someone. She is always causing drama. And she is crazy, just like when she was on My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding. She always knows when to start things with other housewives. Her and Jill (NYC) and Nene (ATL) would have fun together.
We can only hope something great comes from the last supper.
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