The cast!
Yes, the cast is diverse, actually known, and still wanting the attention and the publicity that being on a celeb-reality show will give. First there is Heidi and Spencer, whom I guess people are calling Spiedi now. Being too rich and famous for the show because you know, they are on the lucrative and critically acclaimed career maker called The Hills, Spiedi were on the show, then threatened to leave the show, then decided they would stay on the show, then left the show, oh and then spent the night in a cabin with like 2 spiders, and decided to come back to the show. Between being bipolar and talking to God, Spiedi have pretty much made the show. Sadly they left the show because Heidi had a stomach ache. They aren't the only ones though. There is Sanjaya who looks like he has smallpox which go nicely with his awesome mohawk, Janice Dickenson who looks like someone punched her in the face, Patty Blagojevich who actually tried to sell her spot but no one bothered to bid for it, Two Baldwins whom for years I just thought were the same person, John Sealy who I sorta remember playing basketball before becoming Tom Arnold's bitch, Lou Diamond Phillips who is actually still looking for his career (here's a clue, it's still in the 80's) and there are some other people too who don't really matter. Now put them in a jungle and let them tear labels off of dry shampoo and widdle trees!
The Ninth Cast Member
God. At times I feel like I am watching Jesus Camp, the movie that gave me nightmares for weeks. I have a question first. When did Stephen Baldwin become John the Baptist? Seriously, Stephen Baldwin baptized Spencer Pratt. If that doesn't make for a good television show then what does? (good writing, good acting, interesting plots, actual celebrities) Not only were there baptisms, but Heidi prayed her way through the spider-infested cabin and Spencer told about his life touching moment of praying for a double date with Miley Cyrus and it coming true. If only someone could mock them... like Janice Dickenson.
I hate my life too, but seriously Patty, shut the fuck up about your husband. Wait, that is why you are on the show. To give sympathy for your husband. Well don't worry because Spencer has your back. He even said that as soon as the show is done he is going to go to Chicago and stage a rally and let everyone know the truth: that Rob Blagojevich actually offered him the senate seat but Spencer is just too rich and famous to be surrounded by those people in the senate. The Hills have seriously done wonders for his career as... I have no idea, the Hills never told me what Spencer does.
One word--Crazy. He actually made a broom to sweep the dirt because the campsite was just so dirty. I would like to remind the body that the entire show takes place outside, in a jungle.
Besides over playing it (NBC is currently airing this show 5 nights a week and at times for 2 hours), I don't know what they could do to make this awesome concept better. I know, get rid of that dumb TRL host that no one remembered the name of because he wasn't Carson Daily.
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